Mobility Manager
This project aims to promote sustainable mobility among Reggio Emilia companies.
Sostenibilità Territorio e relazioni con Enti locali
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This project aims to promote sustainable mobility among Reggio Emilia companies. Starting from the need to support any associated companies in complying with the Italian Ministerial Decree Relaunch 2020, which requires the appointment of a Company Mobility Manager for organisations with over one hundred employees and with their offices in capital municipalities or with over 50,000 inhabitants, this project launched a programme to develop the capacity to manage sustainable mobility and to achieve, through appropriate training, greater awareness of the issue and organisational and strategic expertise.

This initiative was run in collaboration with Travel for Business, a company that handles business travel and mobility management, and in its first year has seen the involvement of eight major associated companies: Casa di Cura Villa Verde, Cellularline, Comet, Coopservice, Kohler, Ognibene, Pregel and Walvoil, for a total of about 3000 partners.

An initial training phase aimed at company managers was followed by an analysis phase of company mobility and subsequent strategic guidance for preparing the company Work/Home Commuting Plan.

This programme helped companies to look at solutions like traffic decongestion in urban areas with reduced use of personal private vehicles and choosing more sustainable vehicles, as well as improving transport costs and services for partners, including through the use of innovative technologies. Furthermore, the training model and the specifically created focus group improved listening to employees’ transport needs and helped identify the tasks and professional figures within the company for sustainable mobility.

This initiative achieved excellent feedback, so much so that it received a special mention for “cultural growth of the community” at the AIF, the Italian Association of Trainers, awards for excellence in training 2021. It is a prestigious title that recognises the commitment of Unindustria Reggio Emilia and Travel for Business for having developed a project that creates a “new culture for sustainable company mobility”.  

Meanwhile, Unindustria Reggio Emilia involved the municipal administration of Reggio Emilia with a dual purpose: on the one hand, to let people know that the world of production in Reggio Emilia is highly sensitive to the issue of sustainable mobility, launching solid programmes for preparing the Work/Home Commuting Plan and for other future projects; and on the other hand, to promote with the administration a permanent round table for discussing and sharing virtuous and incentivised projects for Unindustria associated companies.

A chi rivolgersi

Bruno Marconi
Bruno Marconi
Territorio e relazioni con Enti locali
0522 409775 Scrivimi
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